Booking & Cancellations
In the event of a cancellation within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment or a failure to attend the appointment, a fee of £50 will be applied. This fee will be charged to your account and will need to be cleared before booking any further appointments.
Booking Policy
All new patients to the Mayfield Clinic must have a consultation with the relevant practicioner before treatment can be booked. We charge consultation fees at the time of booking , in the case of online bookings our team will be in touch to secure your appointment. Our system will automatically remove any unpaid consultations 24 hours after booking.
£65 non redeemable consult fee with Dr Rona and Nurse Amanda
£75 non redeemable consult fee with Dr Nestor
£40 consult non redeemable with Aestheticians
All filler appointments have a £100 deposit taken at the time of booking, Hydrafacial deposits are £50. These are non refundable, but will be reedemed on the day of treatment, for those that do not give 48 hours notice to cancel their appointment will loose their deposit.
We kindly remind our patients that they are welcome to park in the clinic car park but they do so at their own risk.