1. Have a thorough, ‘no obligation’ consultation
At the consutlaiton you should have the opportunity to ask all your questions. The doctor, nurse or dentist should take a full medical history and then examine you. After that they will advise what they feel is (or isn’t appropriate) and give you time to reflect on this at home before proceeding to treatment.2. Discuss cost.
This varies between clinics, cities and practitioners. Cheaper costs are cheap for a reason. That’s not to say the most expensive ones are the best. Cost, although important, should not be a determining factor. You should chose who you are comfortable and safe with.3. Discuss the risks involved.
As with any sort of medical procedure, there are associated risks. This can include swelling and bruising as well as extreme (and very rare cases) of blindness. If your practitioner does not discuss the risks with you, you should be wary of them.4. Which one is right for you? BOTOX® or filler
BOTOX(R) and Fillers are great. What’s important is what is appropriate for you, your concerns, and which will meet your expectations. This is why a consultation is so important. The treatment should be decided by your doctor, nurse or dentist once they have listened to you and understood what is bothering you. Ageing features such as ‘tiredness’ and ‘sagginess’ can lower our self esteem and confidence. Addressing these features and softening them can help restore youthful features (the aim isn’t to look younger). Which ever clinic you attend, ensure you have considered all of the ins and outs of the procedure before having treatment.Similar Articles
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